火曜日, 4月 11, 2006


昨日の晩、シンガファンの皆と揃って、一緒に剛の誕生日Partyをやりました。途中でBirthdayカードを作ったわけ・・インインからの提案は「Hate Letterを書こうか?!」って・・つい書いちゃった。しかもすんごいひどいヤツ!ツヨポンに申し訳ないけど、ホンマ愛してるこそ書いたカードだから、見てくれればええなぁ・・・
English Translation of what we wrote for Tsuyoshi
TITLE: The Top 10 I Hate Tsuyoshi Ranking
1. Your hairstyle is always very wierd
2. Akki Happy New Year (you shoudn't give this kind of present to your beloved partner on his special day)
3. Kinokuniya Bag (you realised you did too much advertising on this?! don't you did too much advertising on this?! don't forget you aren't paid for it...)
4. Strawberry Sherbet (why is it we don't see it in Tokyo, though we went osaka, we thought it was very unfair for those who didn't manage to eat it...)
5. Cannot back flip (somemore can be in johnnys, win liao lor)
6. No good in dancing, all seem so normal to us. .
7. Any idea why your stage didn't move on kochan's bdae? cos you were too fat then...
8. Though you said you'll try and do 100situps a day, but we thought it's seriously not enough for you.
9. Fish, Fish, Fish......(whole day talk about fish)
10. Quote: I think I myself am my own enemy, so if I don't win myself, I can start to do anything. Our advice: SHOW MUST GO ON (just trying to pull your leg)
Conclusion: No matter how many bad points you have, you're still our beloved tsuyoshi. We love and support you forever. (^O^)
>>so hey guys out there, wat do u all tink of this?! sugoi deshou?! wahahaha...
From: Me, Ying2 & Rox


Anonymous 匿名 said...

really funnyXD
sugoii ne~u all think of bad things of tsuyo

my wish for him``
Hope tsuyo to be happy all the time^^

11:13 午後  
Blogger MMDS said...

to vivian=> as wat my fren say, 'as a ko fan, it's very easy to name all the bad pts of tsuchan' dakara we tried to do it in 30mins or abit more ba..
ajojo=>yala yala.. we where got so ren xin write hate letter to him without loving him.. tis shows we love him till wu fa shou shi le..
we noe he not tat kind xin xiong xia zhai when read tis la, scarly he gan dong till cry we also duno rite.. haha!! anyway, hope tsuchan enjoy his concert now la..

11:35 午前  


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