土曜日, 4月 14, 2007

KERI 仙台コンサレポ

Please forgive me for squeezing 3 days report into one report entry. Cos really no memory and energy to comment them one by one la. Basically, the 会場is situated at this ulu ulu place in sendai where we need to take a 20mins shuttle bus in order to get to the venue. Hidoi deshou!!! And for everybody’s info, a two way trip ticket costs 1000yen. Woohoo! Nice money spent even b4 u get to the venue lor… diaos
N when the bus arrives, we still need to walk across the road n then head further in before we get the first glance of the 会場…gosh! How on earth can a Kinki Kids member open his solo concert at such ulu field sia… There were Nothing except one seven eleven n some factories. According to Keri, he didn’t meant to choose that place but cos of many reasons he had to move his tank there. (poor boy…) Anyway, the tank was really a tank, e size of a container!!! I couldn’t believe my eyes when I walked into the tank. The place was super small that I don’t even need to use my binoculars. My first night seats was e first Standing block on the right of the stage. Second row!!! No one blocked my view n I had a happy time looking at keri without the bino during the whole night…My second night was at C block and my All last was at D block. Incomparable with my first night seat (though there wasn’t any chair for me) cos it was too near the stage…
Goods 売り場>very empty! Want buy what jiu slowly choose n see n den queue n buy>wont miss it!
Keri bread and cookies> forget about it! Gave up after all… Tried 3 days… go how early also no use. Always sold out. That was a small ordeal la.
Entrance> Big screen showing sankaku illumination, Keri statue n big sankaku on the wall. Basically, everything was Purple.
Staff> those inside mostly guys… all guys I shld say cos I didn’t see any girls. E one standing infront of me on the first night was really kakkoii. Lol!
That was a bonus hahaha…
Seats> standing block was super COLD! I almost died cos there was a big fan infront of me. Idiot la, the rest of the 会場all heater, only my side got BIG fan… cold sweat! Seating block seats were normal foldable chairs. Not comfortable (of cos) as they are only meant for putting our barang barang.
Audience> Many guys! People from all ages! N they are all of one kind>Crazy! Everyone jumps and dances during the concert.
Concert> well, keri’s singing is too good to be commented la…lol
He starts the concert by singing Someiyoshino with electric piano accompaniment. (dangerous attempt cos ppl who don’t know this song usually falls asleep as it was too quiet) There was a piece of big cloth covering the whole stage for a longlong time b4 they release it off. (my neck really grew long during the first night manz)
After which sankaku came out during Sparkling to introduce the band members. (cute voice!) I love the members this time cos minna have their own 個性. Susumu apparently was very famous though he has totally no looks… Very good entertainer during those freestyle sessions. He did very rubbish things like scarf dance, Chinese dance, agogo dance n some other chapalang dance la. Keri was soooooooooooo high during the last night, he did 7?! Sorry I lost count! He did more than 5 cartwheels bah… gosh! Never see him doing so many cartwheels in my life b4 sia. That day he super hyper loh…
MC> First day mc was really frightening as he mumbled throughout the concert. N honestly, even though e speaker was right infront of me I couldn’t catch what he was saying. Not because I don’t know 日本語 but he really didn’t speak clear enough for my ears to listen. That was so worrying as I tot something happen to him again loh… turn out e second n third night he super high spirits n even bothered to play with the audience. (what happen to you during the first night la KERI!) n this fellow kept mention about James Brown being his idol… diaos! 2nd Day was more about guitar playing than MC cos he don’t seem to have the mood or time to talk. (btw, he talks with the lights OFF) so u cant see his face during MC…3rd day MC was about human and 宇宙… he talks over n over about his 宇宙n our 宇宙…we shld share our 宇宙with each other then will have a bigger 宇宙…something like that. 最後got flying kisses somemore.. really special services… n his 告白to his dear fans… Aishitemasu! Melted >_<
Chance comes knocking> the higher higher part
1st night> he went to play the drums. But kept changing his beats cos maybe no ling gan. Too much ぼけ during that night liao. 2nd night> full of ideas on what to play during his solo drum session thus this part was abit longer
3rd night> apart from the brass section, he practically tried all the instruments this time round. Most cannot make it part was e electric piano cos he cant think of what to play to accompany shoko’s (drummer) rhythm. But on the whole, the message was clearly conveyed>Keri is 天才!especially in improvising but all e times too over liao lol! He happy happy enjoying himself while everyone staring at him with dots. (so bad…….)well, who ask him so kawaii, so whatever rubbish he does we also wun blame him de… sweats
Encore> Sora ga naku kara was his encore song. Featuring steve playing with all kinds of funny funny ‘instruments…’ >water, metal, and some construction sites working tools (sorry duno what are they called lah). Btw, I didn’t even caught any glance of Steve on the first night cos I was standing right at the side of the stage whereby 1/4 of the stage view was totally blocked. Could only smell the carbon monoxide (gosh I don’t think this is the correct gas I am stating) during one of the songs… (which indicated the appearance of Steve… sweats!) Anyway I really love this song as he really sang till as if the sky really want cry liao lol.
I love the ending OST song too. (sounds like some final fantasy ost) His All Last didn’t have extra encore but he lengthened the chance comes knocking session.
総合comments> Saw an almost complete different side of 堂本剛. Or rather> the real Him. Everything was nicely planned n great efforts put in by the whole crew. Was very sabishii when the concert ended cos it was really too addictive. To iu wake de, that’s about it bah for the 3 sendai shows… Pardon me for writing so little as this took place more than a month ago. N thanks so much for tahan ing my singlish ne. Wanted to type everything in nihongo but scared ajo u all don’t understand so resort to singlish loh. Sore ja, please tanoshimi the next one bah.


Blogger m said...

thanks for the concert report, and in singlish! ahaha! and when I first read there was a 'big fan' in front of you, I thought you literally had a large size lady/guy in front of you.. T_T

sou desu ne, endlicheri is the stripped version of the performer, tsuyoshi :) and you had such a fun time there, 3 times too!!

and I'm one of the fans who are getting poorer as the months pass :P

5:11 午後  
Blogger MMDS said...

thanks for commenting! was thinking singlish could express my feelings in the best thus didnt want to write it in proper language.
hahaha! the 'big fan' isn't what you have thought ne. Yes, a real Big FAN!!! still thought it's quite retarded to locate it there coz i find no use in it. Everyone infront was shivering. >_<

5:08 午後  


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