水曜日, 8月 02, 2006


Kinki Kids 第23枚の シングル
■完全初回限定盤:JECN-0108全3曲+M1のBacking Track収録 ¥ 1,000(tax in) ☆収録楽曲☆M1. 夏模様作詩:Satomi 作曲:林田健司 編曲:佐久間 誠ストリングスアレンジ:佐藤泰将M2. 星のロマンティカ作詩・作曲:井手コウジ 編曲:吉田 建ブラスアレンジ:下神竜哉コーラスアレンジ:井手コウジ, Ko-sakuM3. NOASIS~愛の旅人~作詩:久保田洋司 作曲・編曲:石塚知生M4. 夏模様 (Backing Track)●他、初回盤詳細… ①3面6Pジャケット ②写真入りロングキャップ仕様
■通常盤:JECN-0109 全3曲収録¥ 1,000(tax in)☆収録楽曲☆M1. 夏模様作詩:Satomi 作曲:林田健司 編曲:佐久間 誠ストリングスアレンジ:佐藤泰将M2. 星のロマンティカ作詩・作曲:井手コウジ 編曲:吉田 建ブラスアレンジ:下神竜哉コーラスアレンジ:井手コウジ, Ko-sakuM3. いつでもどこへでも作詩・作曲:マシコタツロウ 編曲:十川知司●他、通常盤詳細… ①2面4Pジャケット ②写真入りロングキャップ仕様(初回プレス分のみ)


Anonymous 匿名 said...

Ooo!! I can't wait for my copies!! They were shipped today! *bouncy bouncy* Excited!!!
Some fans have been complaing that the song isn't summer like at all, it's "too boring" instead and they feel sleepy. XD XD I love it!! It's very relaxing and soothing. What do you think?

And the covers too. Very pretty!! *prr!prr!* Kochan looks soo good. :D


2:22 午後  
Blogger MMDS said...

wow u seem to b more excited than me ahaha!! i love tis single very much!! i guess my copies will arrive soon too. tanoshimi desune.
i dun tink it isn't summer like, in fact i tot it was really SUMMER! very sentimental song talking bout the image of summer (u shld look at the live version whereby they perform with e okinawa instruments in domoto kyoudai), n e coupling songs rock!!! have u listened to them?! gorgeous yea~ very kinki!! Hoshi no romantica is very rock n cute, n dokodemo dokoedemo also very sugoi ne~! No asis is very challenging. tat's my comments so far.. i tink i'll put up more of my feelings when i open my own copy hahaha!! nice to share with u!

10:07 午後  
Anonymous 匿名 said...

Hi! Just want to say what a nice site. Bye, see you soon.

7:01 午前  
Anonymous 匿名 said...

Nice idea with this site its better than most of the rubbish I come across.

10:26 午前  


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