水曜日, 9月 20, 2006

The Rainbow Star追加公演

The Water Tank Concert 現在開演中!!!


日曜日, 9月 17, 2006

【堂本 光一 マリンメッセ福岡公演 最新情報】

本日、マリンメッセ福岡にて予定していました「堂本 光一コンサート」は台風のため、公演を延期いたしました。明日9月18日の2公演は予定通り開催予定です。最新情報は、下記電話番号でご案内しています。
【公演インフォメーション】 : 092-715-8800 (24時間音声案内)
★振替公演日程: マリンメッセ福岡 10月3日(火) 18:30開演 (開催会場変更はありません。)

水曜日, 9月 13, 2006

堂本光一 初のオリジナルソロアルバム 「mirror」2006年 9月13日発売決定!!

通常盤はボーナストラックとして「-so young blues- 2006」を収録しています。


■完全初回限定盤:JECN-0113 全12曲収録¥ 3,500(tax in)

M1:愛の十字架~Promise 2U~
M2:Deep in your heart
M3:One more XXX…
M6:Take me to…
M8:Shadows On The Floor
M12:+ MILLION but - LOVE

■通常盤:JECN-0109全12曲+ボーナストラック1曲収録 ¥ 3,000(tax in)

M1:愛の十字架~Promise 2U~
M2:Deep in your heart
M3:One more XXX…
M6:Take me to…
M8:Shadows On The Floor
M12:+ MILLION but - LOVE
M13:-so young blues- 2006 (初回盤未収録)

01. 愛の十字架~Promise 2U~ 5'31''
作詞:Satomi 作曲:堂本光一 編曲:石塚知生 コーラスアレンジ:佐々木久美
02. Deep in your heart 3'41''
作詞:白井裕紀, 新 美香 作曲:堂本光一 編曲:ha-j
03. One more XXX... 4'18''
作詞:白井裕紀, 新 美香 作曲:堂本光一 編曲:石塚知生
04. SNAKE 4'39''
作詞:久保田洋司 作曲:堂本光一 編曲:石塚知生
05. 下弦の月 5'37"
作詞:白井裕紀, 新 美香 作曲:堂本光一 編曲:ha-j ストリングスアレンジ:佐藤泰将
06. Take me to... 4'55"
作詞:白井裕紀, 新 美香 作曲:堂本光一 編曲:船山基紀 コーラスアレンジ:佐々木久美
07. Spica 5'10''
作詞:久保田洋司 作曲:堂本光一 編曲:CHOKKAKU コーラスアレンジ:岩田雅之
08. Shadows On The Floor 4'00''
作詞:久保田洋司 作曲:堂本光一 編曲:石塚知生
09. ヴェルヴェット・レイン 4'22"
作詞:浅田信一 作曲:堂本光一 編曲:ha-j
10. Addicted 4'37"
作詞:白井裕紀, 新 美香 作曲:堂本光一 編曲:岩田雅之
11. 追憶の雨 5'12"
作詞:久保田 洋司 作曲・編曲:岩田雅之
12. + MILLION but - LOVE 4'30"
作詞:白井裕紀, 新 美香 作曲:堂本光一 編曲:鈴木雅也 ブラスアレンジ:山本拓夫

13. - so young blues - 2006 4'10''
作詞:松岡充 作曲:堂本光一 編曲:吉田建
[TOTAL TIME]完全初回限定盤:57'00"通常盤:61'12''

月曜日, 9月 11, 2006


First Impressionコメント!
1. 愛の十字架~Promise 2U~
愛のかたまりのジャンルと似てるソング、とてもSmooth Going・・・
2. Deep In Your Heart
3. One more XXX…
4. Snake 
5. 下弦の月
6.Take me to…
8. Shadows On The Floor
9. ヴェルヴェット・レイン
10. 追憶の雨
11. +Million but –Love
After reading May’s (cornmaize) MIRROR album review, I decided that it’s my turn to put my English review up too. All of us indeed have different interpretation while listening to the album ね. Anyway, those listened to the album please feel free to drop your comments over here too!
Second Impression Review
1. Ai No Juujika ~Promise 2U~
Am quite surprised that Koichi actually put this as the first song of the album. (as I always thought this kind of song should be put towards the end of the album) The beat is very like Ai no Katamari. Very peaceful, very ear soothing. Dance wise, I guess he’ll most probably get his female dancers to perform this song and then right till the end a good sum up with the other male dancers.
2. Deep In Your Heart
A wild attempt when comes to the music arrange. It was written right before he was invited to dub for the anime Juuousei. Deep In Your Heart happen to blend in well with the theme of Juuousei and thus became the Anime Themesong. The PV was taken in a tropical forest in Okinawa Japan. The troupe suffered hours of rain during the taking but fortunately the overall result turned out to be a fabulous one. Those who hadn’t seen the PV, please check it out for his sexy dance with the dancers yeah~!
3. One more XXX…
He meant one more KISS. >_< A song demanding for love. I realized Koichi likes to overlap voices in his songs. (sounding very mysterious) No wonder he always says that he spend hard times while recording his songs. The use of classical guitar and also the Flamingo dance in the middle of the song create the Latin ambience. It’s gonna be the 2nd Love and Loneliness dance if I’m not wrong. I’ll be very happy if he includes this in his Spain Scene in Endless Shock next year.
4. Snake
A sad and painful love song. (As usual, Koichi always like to use Minor in his music arrangement.) I wonder if he’ll hold the electric guitar and sing this song in his solo concert or not. As his partner wears a fish head cap, maybe Koichi can try wearing a snake costume to perform this song ね. (would it be interesting >_<>
5. Kagen no Tsuki
I always wonder whether there’ll be a part 2 after I heard his Tsukiya no Monogatari (solo song from F album). Yoru no Umi maybe the part 2, and I’m very sure this is the continue of the previous Japanesque songs. I’ve always longed to see Koichi in ancient dressing and it really came true for his first solo album. Those who hadn’t seen the PV, please check it out as the story is a very meaningful and touching one.
6. Take me to…
Very European style song. It’s something like 99% Liberty. A song that people loved to hear when they go to the Jazz bar.
7. Spica
Spica isn’t spice! It’s a kind of STAR (virgo). If I’m not wrong, Koichi will love to see this with the girl he likes. A song talking about his dream about he and his future partner. A very romantic and sweet song. I’m sure anybody who listens to it will love it. For those who can’t understand nihongo, the last part says (sometime in the future, I hope to see SPICA with you).
8. Shadows On The Floor
Very Michael Jackson right?! (haha) I realized in this album, he loves to play high octaves keys on the piano for many songs. It goes without saying that he’ll perform the song in a very COOL way with his dancers. (lights everywhere creating Shadows on the dance Floor) Look out for Koichi’s RAP at the back of the song, really COOL!
9. Velvet Rain
Very mysterious and unsure atmosphere in the beginning, and then there comes the drums and started the rock song. As mentioned, I hope he’ll have a guitar section for this time’s concert, and it’s really tanoshimi to see him singing his rock songs with the electric guitar. (who knows?! we shall see… haha)
10. Addicted
That’s our PLAYFUL Koichi!!! After Temperamental Fool, another Brave and
Sexy number. Anyone realize Koichi likes to use Arabian elements in his songs?! I’m sure anyone who listens to this song will be ADDICTED to the beat and rhythm of the songね.
11. Tsuioku no Ame
Very unique music arrange done by Koichi. The chorus fully performed the stormy atmosphere of the song. A song talking about the past, probably those regrets and remembrance of the sad happenings. I wonder will there still be fountain or waterfall for his coming solo concert. It there is, I’m sure they’ll use it to blend in with this song.
12. Plus Million but Minus Love
Jazz! Coupling song coming from Koichi’s Deep In Your Heart solo single. A song talking bout Money or Love. Very catchy tune and very impressive music arrangement. Sometimes I wonder is this the part 2 of So Young Blues (haha). Am looking really forward to see how he performs this song on stage. Is he gonna stand and sing while the girl dancers dance around him?! Or he dances while he sings… Anyway, very very Tanoshimi desu!

日曜日, 9月 10, 2006


The Water Tankコンサート追加公演第3弾現在公演中!

9月20日から10月29日までEndlicheriの第3弾Water Tank Liveが行われます!今回と前2回の公演の合計は100公演となりますので、お楽しみ!